England Netball are offering a High Five workshop in Lincoln on November 22nd. The three-hour practical workshop will introduce the game of High 5, the skills involved and how to get High 5 up and running in a school or club. The workshop will examine everything from the philosophy and principles of High 5, effective warm up and cool down, the basic netball skills needed to play High 5 including movement skills, passing, catching and shooting through to the organisation of a High 5 game. Teachers/coaches will have the opportunity to take part in a game of High 5 along with exploring the other support roles involved in High 5 rotations including scorer, centre pass marker and time keeper. The workshop will also address the rules of High 5 and give attendees the opportunity to umpire a High 5 game in action and gain confidence in officiating the game. This workshop is accompanied by a DVD covering all you need to know about the skills of the game; handy skills cards to use during sessions, High 5 rotation sheets, centre pass marker and score cards, and a rule book to help you and your players become more familiar with the game.
Please note that this is a practical workshop and may require coaches to participate in some activities, it is therefore advisable to ensure appropriate clothing and footwear is worn.
Date: Wednesday 22nd November 2017
Time: 3.30-6.30pm
Venue: Priory City of Lincoln Academy, Skellingthorpe Road, Lincoln, LN6 0EP
Cost: £25 affiliated members/schools
£35 non affiliated members/schools
Closing date: Friday 17th November 2017
More details and a booking form: (a) Flyer HF0315 Lincs Nov 2017 (b) HF0315 Candidate Booking Form Lincs H5 (the booking deadline has been extended)