
IMPress is a student-centred network within the School of Sport & Exercise Science that supports students in gaining relevant applied skills and experience. The ultimate aim is to give students the best chance of achieving the careers that they want, whether those are sport-related or lie in other areas.

IMPress can help to complement your university course in two ways:

Extracurricular Opportunities: we will help you find voluntary (or sometimes paid) work in the community. We have a growing network of contacts with local and national clubs and organisations and regularly advertise positions, which are usually open to any of our students. We’ll help with advice about these and any other opportunities that you might be interested in pursuing.

Education & Information Sessions: we organise an annual Opportunities Fair in November, which brings representatives from many of our partner organisations to the School.  This is complemented by seminars and workshops on employability-related topics. The subjects of these are usually chosen in response to student request, and the sessions may be delivered by our staff and students, our graduates or professional support staff from the Students’ Union Volunteering Office or the University’s Careers & Employability service.

More details are available in the pages of this blog, and via our Twitter account: @IMPressLincoln. IMPress’ activities integrate closely with University initiatives such as the Lincoln Award.

If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at: IMPressLincoln@gmail.com

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