FA Level 1 Coaching Award (January 2015)

The University Sports Centre will be hosting a UKCC FA Level 1 Coaching Award course in January 2015, with the course dates as follows:

Friday 9th, 6pm – 8pm (Classroom based)

Sunday 11th, 10am – 5pm (Practical)

Tuesday 13th, 6pm – 9pm (Classroom based)

Thursday 15th, 6pm – 9pm (Classroom based)

Sunday 18th, 10am – 5pm (Practical)

Sunday 25th, 10am – 5pm (Assessment)

FA Level 1


There are two free places available on this course. If you would like to be considered for one of the free places you need to email our Higher Education Football Officer Sophie Bartup (12286501@students.lincoln.ac.uk) and in 300 – 400 words describe the following:

  • Your coaching Background
  • What you aim to gain from the course
  • What you plan to do with the award within the next 6 – 8 months

The deadline for those free of charge places is 5pm on Wednesday 22nd October. Successful applicants will be notified Friday morning (25th).

To book onto the course you need to take your student card to the Sports Centre reception.

Also the Sports Centre are still planning their 14/ 15 CPD calendar so if there are any courses that you would like to see please let them know.

If you have any further questions please contact Jenny Arroud via the sports centre reception or email jarroud@lincoln.ac.uk.

Netball Development Position at the University

The University’s Sports Development Officer, Jenny Arroud, is looking for a volunteer (preferably a first year) to help out with netball sessions on a Tuesday night. This may become a long-term opportunity with the University putting you through a Level 1 course (and maybe more).

If you would like to find out more, please pop in and see Jenny via Sports Centre reception or email her at jarroud@lincoln.ac.uk

Coaching Opportunity (October Half Term)

A local coaching company, Multi Sport Pro, have some employment opportunities for students during the October Half Term. The dates that they require help are listed below and the coach would need to hold a Level 1 coaching certificate and ideally an up-to-date DBS check. They would be able to pay each coach £50.00 per day.

Tuesday 28th October 9am-4pm – 1 Coach Required

Wednesday 29th October 9am-4pm – 1 Coach Required

Thursday 30th Octobert 9am-4pm – 2 Coaches Required

Friday 31st October 9am-4pm – 2 Coaches Required

Please be aware that you would need to work this around your lectures that week. Anyone interested can email Simon at smowbray@multisportpro.co.uk.

Fitness Instructor (Gym) and Personal Trainer Courses in Lincoln

The YMCA in Lincoln are running Level 2 Fitness Instructor (Gym) and Level 3 Personal Training courses for students at considerably reduced rates.

Level 2 Fitness Instructor Certificate (Gym)          £330
Level 3 Personal Trainer Certificate          £550

(or both courses can be taken for £800)

Level 2 Fitness Instructor Certificate (Gym)
1. 7th – 9th November & 12th – 14th December, 2014
2. 6th – 8th February & 20th – 22nd March, 2015

Level 3 Personal Trainer Certificate
1. 31st October – 2nd November & 5th – 7th December, 2014
2. 30th Jan – 1st Feb & 27th Feb – 1st March, 2015

Please see the attached Level 2 & 3 Flyer Education for full details.