Lincolnshire Physical Activity Network (Tues 21st January)

An event we’ve been informed about:

The next Lincolnshire Physical Activity Network (LPAN) will take place on Tuesday 21st January 2014 at The Showroom, Tritton Road, Lincoln. LN6 7QY. The event will run from 9.30am until 4pm inclusive of lunch. LPAN is sponsored by Lincolnshire County Council (public health) so is free to attend.

The theme of the event is ‘Tackling Sedentary Behaviour’ and the keynote speaker will be Dale Esliger from Loughborough University, who will share his expertise and innovative techniques on increasing physical activity levels. Various speakers from around the county will also showcase their programmes.

Please pass this invitation on to anyone you feel may benefit. Places are limited to 50 and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Should you wish to attend, please email Sarah Clarke ( with your name, organisation and any dietary or access requirements you may have.

Update Meeting: Lincoln Award & Volunteering (Tues 10th December)

There will be an IMPress meeting at 6.45pm on Tuesday 10th December in the Coaching Suite (after the postgraduate study options presentation). Among the topics to be discussed will be the Lincoln Award (the University’s accreditation scheme for volunteering), a Dartfish Certified Technologist training course, some other recent volunteering opportunities that have arisen, and what you – the School’s students – would like to see from IMPress in 2014!

All students from the School of Sport & Exercise Science – undergraduate and graduate – are very welcome!

Shadow & Work With Sport Science Staff

A number of opportunities have arisen to work with staff as they provide sports science support to University Sports Bursary holders. These opportunities are:

Dan Bishop – Biomechanics (10 pin bowling/ taekwondo poomsae) and Strength and Conditioning (taekwondo poomsae and squash) Support

Tom Gee – Strength and Conditioning Support (Various sports)

Some Nutrition support may become available also, but that is not confirmed yet.

Please email by the end of Friday 5th December if you would like to be involved in this scheme. To help us match people up as effectively as possible, please indicate which type of support you are interested in and why. We will use this extra information to select the best matches if there are more applicants than places available.

If you have questions about the positions, please contact the staff member directly. Thanks!

Lecture on Reflective Practice (Fri 6th December)

Dr Brendan Cropley will be delivering a guest lecture on ‘Reflective Practice’ to staff and students on Friday 6th of December from 12-1pm in AAD1W11. Dr Cropley is an expert on the use of reflective practice in coaching, applied practice, and sport psychology in particular. He is currently Programme and Discipline Director for Coaching Science at Cardiff Metropolitan University, and is a former professional footballer with Norwich City FC.

This lecture is likely to be useful for students on all of our programmes (as well as postgraduates) so you are more than welcome to attend.

Approaches to Promoting Physical Activity (Tues 3rd December)

Professor Jim McKenna will deliver a guest lecture to staff and students on Tuesday 3rdDecember at 4pm in MC2201. Professor McKenna is an expert within the field of Physical Activity and Health and currently leads the Active Lifestyles Research Centre at Leeds Metropolitan University (check here for more details – Some of Professor McKenna’s current work is focussed on football health promotion schemes and physical activity in younger populations.

The content of the presentation will be useful to students on all programmes so all are encouraged to attend. It will be particularly useful for those with an interest in health development and physical activity and for Year 2 students who are currently thinking about research ideas!