University Football Development Activator

Applications are still being taken for this position, which is a great opportunity to gain knowledge, experience and contacts. Previous activators have found the role very rewarding and productive.

More details can be found on the Volunteering Website:

If you are interested, please contact Chris Funnell at Lincolnshire FA as soon as possible:

Note: this position is only open to University of Lincoln students.

Employability Bootcamp (May 26th – 28th)


All third year and Masters students in the College of Social Science are invited to attend an Employability Bootcamp – a series of workshops, talks and activities for students looking for work or further study.

Cost: Free!

For more details and to register, please go to:

Note: you do not have to commit to all session; you can choose which ones you want to attend



Bright Futures Courses Relating to PE Delivery (Levels 3 to 6)

Bright Futures Education are running a number of courses locally that may be of interest to students considering a career in Physical Education:

More details on Bright Futures Education‘s courses can be found here:

Tchoukball Level 1 Coaching Course (December 12th)

The University will be hosting a  Tchoukball Level 1 coaching course at the Sports Centre on Friday 12th December from 9. 30 am – 1.30pm. It is a four hour course on a new and upcoming sport that mixes netball, handball and football all together.


The course is only £45 and it would be a useful qualification for anyone wanting to go into teaching – or to work for one of the coaching companies around Lincoln – as it can help you to demonstrate an array of knowledge in a variety of sports and is good for cross-curriculum teaching!

For more details please contact Jenny Arroud at