Lincolnshire Sport Courses at the University (Spring 2017)

Lincolnshire Sport are delivering a number of courses at the University Sports Centre this Spring:

For more details and/or to book a place, please follow the links above or contact the Sports Centre reception.

Lincolnshire Sport

First Aid & Safeguarding Courses in December

Lincolnshire Sport will be hosting two courses in the Coach Education Suite over the next couple of weeks:

Emergency First Aid in Sport (Weds 3rd December, 6.30pm – 8.30pm)

Safeguarding & Protecting Children (Weds 10th December, 6.30pm – 9.30pm)

Each course is £30 for anyone with Lincolnshire Coach and Instructor Network membership (which is free). But we also have one free place for a University sports student for each course: if you would be interested in one of those places, please contact Dan Bishop as soon as possible.

UPDATE 1/12/14: The free places have now been taken. You can still sign up with the LCIN discount.

More upcoming Lincolnshire Sport courses can be found here.


Lincolnshire Sport

Emergency First Aid Course (Weds 4th December)

On Wednesday 4th December the School will be hosting two Emergency First Aid workshops in the HPC’s Coach Education Suite.  The first session starts at 9am and finishes at 12pm.  The second session starts at 12:30pm and finishes at 3:30pm. All University of Lincoln sports students can register a place on one of the workshops for a cost of £12.  Attendance will provide you with a qualification which will be valid for three years.  The course is specifically tailored for incidents most likely to occur within sporting activities covering lab, coaching sessions or any other field based activities.

Please follow the link to the on-line store’s web page where you can find further details and register.  Please read the T&Cs carefully before registering.  Should anyone have any questions then please contact Alex Blackett at