Sports Physiology Support, Lincoln Vulcans Swimming Club

Lincoln Vulcans Swimming Club are looking for a volunteer sports physiologist to support their performance squad on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. The position will include the opportunity for data collection and development of recovery sessions and personal programmes.

For more details – and to apply – please see the Volunteering Office’s Sport page:



Volunteering: Gifted & Talented Workshops (Weds 23rd October)

Volunteers are sought to help with running a range of sports science workshops next Wednesday (23rd Oct). Help is particularly needed in the areas of biomechanics and physiology. Sessions will run from 10:30 to 3:30 (with a lunch break between 12:15 and 1:00), and you would be given all the necessary instruction for the activities.

It will be an interesting opportunity to work with 10-11 year olds who have been identified as highly talented by their schools/regions.

You will also be able to use these hours to fulfill any module-related requirements related to voluntary placements (eg in Employability, RM1 or ISS).

If you would be interested in helping then please contact Danny Taylor at by Tuesday morning, to confirm your involvement or ask any questions you might have. Thanks!