Two students who worked as performance analyst interns with Lincoln City FC Academy last year have landed positions with other professional football clubs after graduation. Chris Bentley (BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science) and Calum Johnson (BSc (Hons) Sport Development & Coaching) were two of a team who videoed matches and prepared reports for Academy coach Damian Froggatt. In order to be useful, the videos had to be analysed and reports completed within a couple of days and this gave Chris and Calum excellent experience of the demands of this type of work.
But their hard work and dedication has been rewarded. Calum is combining work at Brighton & Hove Albion with a Masters in Sports Performance Analysis, and Chris is working with both Arsenal and Cambridge City. (We guess that’s OK as long as they’re not likely to be playing each other!).

Congratulations to them both! They join previous graduates Nick Benett, Adam Housley and Chris Mugglestone who work for Brentford, Rotherham United and the FA, respectively.
We will be picking their brains with regard to advice on how to break into the competitive world of performance analysis. Watch this space!
Performance analyst positions are currently available through IMPress with Lincoln City Academy, Lincs FA Girls’ Centre of Excellence and the county’s junior squash academy. Contact us for more details of these positions, or if you would like to explore the possibilities of working with other teams (such as University sports societies).