Emma Lewis (Sport & Exercise Science, Year 2) tailored her volunteering towards her interest in becoming a personal trainer and shadowed Tom Gee, an Olympic Powerlifting Coach, in the area of strength and conditioning to complement her Level 2 Gym Instructor course. Emma simply sent Tom an email to ask about shadowing his sessions:
‘At first, I was anxious in taking part in something that I had no understanding or awareness of. But as time went by, I grew in confidence and began to ask questions and make notes. I even started trying weight training myself to apply what I had learned into my own sport of volleyball. Tom has helped me to understand the basics of strength and conditioning; shadowing has certainly been worthwhile for my Level 2 Gym instructor course, but also for my third year of my degree.
I would certainly recommend for anyone that is particularly interested in developing further in any area of Sport and Exercise or Development to really just go for it – put yourself out there to volunteer or shadow as there will always be someone who is willing to help.’