Opportunity to Gain Experience in Health Promotion and Care!

supporting sports students
ICS Health & Wellbeing are advertising part-time roles in two areas (see below). As an organisation they “work with local authorities, CCGs and employers, to design, implement and evaluate innovative health and wellbeing services that will result in long-term health benefits through sustained behaviour change”.
** If you are interested in either position please contact Jackie Lothian on 07436 562244 **
1. Health & Wellbeing Advisor: Physical Activity
They are currently seeking a Health & Wellbeing Advisor to support the delivery of a Diabetes Prevention Programme that is curriculum-based and comprises physical activity, weight management and dietary components underpinned by behaviour change techniques.
The Health & Wellbeing Advisor is responsible for delivering elements of the programme, including carrying out health assessment measures; one to one review sessions and physical activity group sessions.
Part-time, Hourly rate £12.50 plus bonus
More details: H W Advisor_Physical Activity
2. Health & Wellbeing Coaches: Nutrition
They are currently seeking Health & Wellbeing Coaches to deliver a Diabetes Prevention Programme that comprises of physical activity, weight management and dietary components underpinned by behaviour change techniques.
The Health & Wellbeing Coach is responsible for delivering the curriculum based group sessions which facilitate health improvement with a non-judgemental and compassionate approach; and maintaining contact with service users between face-to-face contacts to ensure engagement.
Part-time, Hourly rate £15.00 plus bonus
More details: HW Coach_Nutrition
Professor Jim McKenna will deliver a guest lecture to staff and students on Tuesday 3rdDecember at 4pm in MC2201. Professor McKenna is an expert within the field of Physical Activity and Health and currently leads the Active Lifestyles Research Centre at Leeds Metropolitan University (check here for more details – http://www.leedsmet.ac.uk/research/professor-jim-mckenna.htm). Some of Professor McKenna’s current work is focussed on football health promotion schemes and physical activity in younger populations.
The content of the presentation will be useful to students on all programmes so all are encouraged to attend. It will be particularly useful for those with an interest in health development and physical activity and for Year 2 students who are currently thinking about research ideas!