Student Engagement Opportunities (Deadline: March 30th)

A number of exciting opportunities are currently available to be a part of the University’s Student Engagement initiatives. These are a great chance to develop your skills and experience, while being involved in projects right at the heart of the University. More details on the following roles are available via the Get Involved webpage.

  • Student Recruiters
  • Staff & Student Insight Scheme
  • Student Reviewers
  • Students Consulting on Teaching

Note: a fifth role – PASS Leaders – is, unfortunately, not currently open to School of Sport & Exercise Science students.

The deadline for applications is Monday 30th March.

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Student Researchers RAISE IMPress’ Profile At National Conference

Three of the School’s students – Emma Lewis, Lucy Roy and Bethany Richardson – represented IMPress at the recent RAISE 2014 conference in Manchester. The conference theme was Student Engagement: Opportunities For All and the three certainly too full advantage of theirs. Bethany and Lucy presented a poster entitled IMPress: Reflections on a student-led employability network that was really positively received by an international audience of academics and students.

beth and lucy
Bethany and Lucy with their poster

Emma joined Bethany and Lucy, as well as academics Dan Bishop and Christian Swann, to give a presentation about the IMPress research project Producing employable graduates in sport: maximising the benefits from volunteering and its preliminary findings. The project, which also involves student Stephanie Osborn and academic Sandy Willmott, is described in more detail on the PEGS page. (Both presentations are also available on the same page.)

Congratulations to Lucy, Bethany and Emma! The final project results will be used to create a Volunteering Toolkit for students, as well as a research publication.

Student Engagement Opportunities

The Student Engagement Team are recruiting students to five roles:

  1. Student Reviewers
  2. Student Recruiters
  3. Student Advisory Groups
  4. Student Mentors
  5. Course Reps

These all offer the chance to take on a really interesting challenge, gain valuable experience, find out more about how the University works and help shape its future! More details of the different roles  – and the application process – can be found here.